Judging topics

Flow of a submission

The flow of an incoming submission is as follows.

  1. Team submits solution. It will either be rejected after basic checks, or accepted and stored as a submission.

  2. The first available judgehost compiles, runs and checks the submission. The outcome and outputs are stored as a judging of this submission. Note that judgehosts may be restricted to certain contests, languages and problems, so that it can be the case that a judgehost is available, but not judging an available submission.

  3. If verification is not required, the result is automatically recorded and the team can view the result and the scoreboard is updated (unless after the scoreboard freeze). A judge can optionally inspect the submission and judging and mark it verified.

  4. If verification is required, a judge inspects the judging. Only after it has been approved (marked as verified) will the result be visible outside the jury interface. This option can be enabled by setting verification_required on the configuration settings admin page.


In some situations it is necessary to rejudge one or more submissions. This means that the submission will re-enter the flow as if it had not been judged before. The submittime will be the original time, but the program will be compiled, run and tested again.

This can be useful when there was some kind of problem: a compiler that was broken and later fixed, or testdata that was incorrect and later changed. When a submission is rejudged, the old judging data is kept but marked as invalid.

You can rejudge a single submission by pressing the ‘Rejudge’ button when viewing the submission details. It is also possible to rejudge all submissions for a given language, problem, team or judgehost; to do so, go to the page of the respective language, problem, team or judgehost, press the ‘Rejudge all’ button and confirm.

There are two different ways to run a rejudging, depending on whether the create rejudging button is enabled:

  • Without this button toggled, an instant rejudging is performed where the results are directly made effective.

  • When toggled, a “rejudging” set is created, and all affected submissions are rejudged, but the new judgings are not made effective yet. Instead, the jury can inspect the results of the rejudging (under the rejudging tab). Based on that the whole rejudging, as a set, can be applied or cancelled, keeping the old judgings as is.

Submissions that have been marked as ‘CORRECT’ will not be rejudged. Only DOMjudge admins can override this restriction using a tickbox.

Teams will not get explicit notifications of rejudgings, other than a potentially changed outcome of their submissions. It might be desirable to combine rejudging with a clarification to the team or all teams explaining what has been rejudged and why.

Ignoring a submission

There is the option to ignore specific submissions using the button on the submission page. When a submission is being ignored, it is as if was never submitted: it will show strike-through in the jury’s and affected team’s submission list, and it is not visible on the scoreboard. This can be used to effectively delete a submission for some reason, e.g. when a team erroneously sent it for the wrong problem. The submission can also be unignored again.

Enforcement of time limits

Time limits within DOMjudge are enforced primarily in CPU time, and secondly a more lax wall clock time limit is used to make sure that submissions cannot idle and hog judgedaemons. The way that time limits are calculated and passed through the system involves a number of steps.

Time limits are set per problem in seconds. Each language in turn may define a time factor (defaulting to 1) that multiplies it to get a specific time limit for that problem/language combination. This is the ‘soft timelimit’. The configuration setting timelimit overshoot is then used to calculate a ‘hard timelimit’. This overshoot can be specified in terms of an absolute and relative margin.

The soft:hard timelimit pair is passed to runguard, the wrapper program that applies restrictions to submissions when they are being run, as both wall clock and CPU limit. This is used by runguard when reporting whether the soft, actual timelimit has been surpassed. The submitted program gets killed when either the hard wall clock or CPU time has passed.

Judging consistency

The following issues can be considered to improve consistency in judging.

Disable CPU frequency scaling and Intel “Turbo Boost” to prevent fluctuations in CPU power.

Disable address-space randomization to make programs with memory addressing bugs give more reproducible results. To do that, you can add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:


Then run the following command:

sudo sysctl -p

to directly activate this setting.

Lazy judging and results priority

In order to increase capacity, you can set the DOMjudge configuration option lazy_eval_results. When enabled, judging of a submission will stop when a highest priority result has been found for any testcase. You can find these priorities under the results_prio setting. In the default configuration, when enabling this, judging will stop with said verdict when a testcase results in e.g. run-error, timelimit or wrong-answer. When a testcase is correct (lower priority), judging will continue to the next test case. In other words, to arrive at a verdict of correct, all testcases will have been evaluated, while any of the ‘error’ verdicts will immediately return this answer for the submission and the other testcases will never be tested, since the submission can never become correct anymore if one has failed.

Since many of the submissions are expected to have some kind of error, this will significantly save on judging time.

When not using lazy judging, all testcases will always be ran for each submission. The results_prio list will then determine which of the individual testcase results will be the overall submission result: the highest priority one. In case of a tie, the first occurring testcase result with highest priority is returned.

Judgehost restrictions

It is possible to dedicate certain judgehosts only for certain languages, problems or contests; or a combination thereof. To set this up, configure the desired restriction pattern under Judgehost restrictions from the main menu. For example, you select contest 1 and language Java. Then, you can edit all judgehosts and apply the newly created restriction to any of them. The judgehosts with this restriction will only pick up submissions that are in contest 1 and are submitted in Java. Submissions for other languages, or in other contests, will need to be processed by other judgehosts.

When adding restrictions, take care that there must remain judgehosts available to judge every active problem, language and contest. The Configuration checker will perform a check for this.

A special restriction is turning off Allow rejudge on same judgehost. This defaults to Yes (so a rejudge of a submission can happen on any judgehost), but you can add a judgehost restriction with this setting to No. This can be used to test timings on judgehosts by configuring all judgehosts with this restriction and then rejudging a set of submissions as many times as there are judgehosts. This will lead to the situation that each judgehosts has judged every submission exactly once.

Disk space and cleanup

The judgehost caches testcase and executable data and stores various logs, compiled submissions, etc. on disk. Depending on the amount of disk space available and size and length of the contest, you may run out of free space. The configuration setting diskspace_error will make a judgehost abort before it actually crashes when running out of space.

When you run out of space, the script dj_judgehost_cleanup can be used to remove some unnecessary files. It allows you to remove cache and judging data. The judging data is generated and required during judging, but afterwards can be safely removed if you don’t need it anymore for debugging or auditing.

Finally, if a judgedaemon crashes, this can leave stale bind-mounts to the chroot environment. Run dj_judgehost_cleanup mounts to clean these up. Run dj_judgehost_cleanup help for a list of all commands.

Solutions to common issues

JVM and memory limits

DOMjudge imposes memory limits on submitted solutions. These limits are imposed before the compiled submissions are started. On the other hand, the Java virtual machine is started via a compile-time generated script which is run as a wrapper around the program. This means that the memory limits imposed by DOMjudge are for the jvm and the running program within it. As the jvm uses approximately 300MB, this reduces the limit by this significant amount. See the java_javac and java_javac_detect compile executable scripts for the implementation details.

If you see error messages of the form:

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread


Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap

Then the problem is likely that the jvm needs more memory than what is reserved by the Java compile script. You should try to increase the MEMRESERVED variable in the java compile executable and check that the configuration variable memory limit is set larger than MEMRESERVED. If that does not help, you should try to increase the configuration variable process limit (since the JVM uses a lot of processes for garbage collection).

‘runguard: root privileges not dropped’

When this error occurs on submitting any source:

Compiling failed with exitcode 255, compiler output:
/home/domjudge/system/bin/runguard: root privileges not dropped

this indicates that you are running the judgedaemon as root user. You should not run any part of DOMjudge as root; the parts that require it will gain root by themselves through sudo. Either run it as yourself or, probably better, create dedicated a user domjudge under which to install and run everything.


Do not confuse this with the domjudge-run user: this is a special user to run submissions as and should also not be used to run normal DOMjudge processes; this user is only for internal use.