Hello all,
We've created a first release candidate 3.3.0RC1 for the new 3.3
series of DOMjudge. Some of the important new features:
- Support for multiple file submissions; DOMjudge now fully supports
submissions consisting of more than one source file. This includes
jury web-interface support for viewing the sources, diffs and edit
and resubmit these. Some minor polishing may still be added.
- Most configuration is now stored in the dabase and accessible via
the jury/admin web interface.
- Option to display pending submissions in blue on the scoreboard.
- The GeSHi code highlighter is included by default.
Incompatibilities to be aware of when upgrading:
- The submit client now validates the SSL cert. when submitting to the
web interface over HTTPS. If using a self-signed certificate, be
sure to add it to a local certificate repository that libcURL will
recognise and set the associated hostname correctly.
- DOMjudge now requires PHP version 5.2 or higher.
- The three internal database users have been merged into one.
For a complete list of changes, refer to the ChangeLog. As always,
we're glad to receive any feedback: bugs and any feature improvements.
Both releases and GPG signatures and SHA sums can be downloaded from
the usual place:
On behalf of the DOMjudge developers,
Jaap Eldering
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