Hi all,
Today we’ve released DOMjudge 7.1.0, which brings new features and fixes some bugs. The most notable new features include:
- Judgedaemons will now keep retrying when an endpoint is unavailable. - Support for shadowing another CCS. - Allow for non-public contests with all teams and for public contest with only specific teams - Allow to add a whole team category to a contest. - Use a new way to migrate the database. - Allow to limit files passed to compilers. - Add configuration option for print command. - Re-add support for downloading statistics SVG’s.
For the full changelog, see https://github.com/DOMjudge/domjudge/blob/7.1/ChangeLog
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this release by creating issues, pull requests or feature requests.
We have also released 7.0.4 with some bugfixes.
Downloads are at https://domjudge.org/download
Updated Docker images are also available Docker Hub. APT packages and live images will follow soon.
On behalf of the DOMjudge team, Nicky Gerritsen