Thank for your help about install domjudge. Now it work ok and I want to
submit problem via api.
/domjudge/api/submissions <http://dj5.cachhoc.net/domjudge/api/submissions>
I read the document api but I can not know how to use it. I want use php to
post submission, and now I test on postman but don't know what are fields
to post data.
Name: Nguyen Van Quan
Come from: OTVINA company
Email: nguyenvanquan7826(a)gmail.com
Blog: nguyenvanquan7826.com
Phone: +84.96.567.7826
After config ln -s ln -s /root/domserver/etc/apache.conf
Then I type command
sudo a2enconf domjudge
And I get answer *ERROR : Conf domjudge does not Exist*
I find a post about this error at here:
But I don't know how to fix it by change the permissions. Please help.
Name: Nguyen Van Quan
Come from: OTVINA company
Email: nguyenvanquan7826(a)gmail.com
Blog: nguyenvanquan7826.com
Phone: +84.96.567.7826
Until December 11th, there was a "domjudge" user on Docker Hub
hosting two images:
Since December 11th this user seems to have disappeared from the site.
Does anyone know who maintained the images and why they are now gone?
They have been working just fine for me.
Sorry if this list is not the appropriate place for the question.
Best regards,
Mathias Rav
PhD student at Aarhus University, Denmark