I want to get rid of the ICPC-live branch as soon as possible after the finals. I also think that we should do this first before we do any further symfony migration.
This is a list of the differences to get the discussion started (I probably missed some things):
1) entry_point handling
a) add a global configurationĀ
b) always require an entry_point if the language itself requires an entry_point
c) detect entry_point on domserver
I would go with b). By default we can use compile scripts that auto-detect and configure languages as such.
In a setting primary/shadow setting, we can require entry points as we do now.
2) Minor things:
- Pause contest countdown / starttime_enabled
- tsv/yaml import scripts
- results/tsv export scripts
There's no reason to disable these.
3) external IDs / external results
- have only one database scheme, i.e. include columns for external_ids and _results
- why don't we always use the contest shortname as ID in the API?
- can we drop the expected result in favor of external results? (note that we didn't do a comparison on testcase level in the past but might want to do it in the future)
- external_ids and _results can be used even in primary mode where we could fetch the results from the secondary
4) display test case results in submission lists
a) make it configurable (either per contest or globally)
b) always display them (for jury of course)
I don't think the test case results clutter the submission page too much, so I would just keep them always on for simpler code.
5) removed time intervals
The code in calcContestTime looks fairly simple. The UI only affects the contest page. Did I miss anything?