Hi Anand,

Did you maybe set a problem specific memory limit?


On 9 December 2015 11:18:12 GMT-03:00, "Br. Anand Shenoi" <anandam@outlook.com> wrote:
Memory limit is: 3145728

Subject: Re: how to resolve this error?
To: domjudge-devel@domjudge.org
From: werth@cs.fau.de
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 15:12:52 +0100


On 12/09/15 15:04, Br. Anand Shenoi wrote:
> Tobias, the current value for Memory limit is: 3145728

as I wrote below, you have to check the MEMRESERVED value as well.

The compile script computes the difference here:

Given that the difference is negative, MEMRESERVED is probably too high.


> Subject: Re: how to resolve this error?
> To: domjudge-devel@domjudge.org
> From: werth@cs.fau.de
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 14:53:27 +0100
> Hi Anand,
> On 12/09/15 14:49, Br. Anand Shenoi wrote:
>> Program error output
>> Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx-983040k
>> Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
>> Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
>> Judging system output (info/debug/errors)
>> Non-zero exitcode 1
>> runtime: 0.000s cpu, 0.008s wall
>> memory used: 1277952 bytes
> It looks like you changed either the memory limit in the configuration
> settings or the MEMRESERVED value in the java compile script, so that
> the difference is negative. You have to increase the global memory limit
> or to decrease the MEMRESERVED value.
> Cheers,
> Tobi
> PS: Please don't "hijack" other mail threads but create your own.
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