*Huynh Anh Dung dungha@fpt.edu.vn [16/06/04]:
How can I insert usernames, and team names from the file.
You have multiple options: a) import groups.tsv, accounts.tsv, teams.tsv For a description of the fields, see https://clics.ecs.baylor.edu/index.php/Contest_Control_System#groups.tsv
The spec may have changed without our knowledge. If you experience any problems, let us know.
b) if you use icpc.baylor.edu, generate a web services token with appropriate rights and click "fetch teams" on the import web page
If you use this, you can upload your standings using the same mechanism after your contest.
c) allow teams to self-register by changing the boolean in the configuration settings
d) import them directly in the database using phpmyadmin