On 17-06-16 16:53, Parth Mittal wrote:
We would like to run a code golf challenge on domjudge. Does the judge support custom scoring of this form? (In a code golf challenge, the score is a fraction determined by the length of the program)
No, that's not supported by DOMjudge, so if you want to use DOMjudge to do so, you'd have to modify the sources, but I'm not quite sure how easy this is.
First, we do have support for points per problem, but these points are only assigned fully or not at all. If you need floating points fractions, you'd have to modify this in the database structure (in the scorecache and rankcache tables), besides adding some way to store the precise score that a correct submission obtained.
Then the main change to make would be in lib/lib.misc.php the function calcScoreRow(). There you have to calculate the fractional score and store it in the scorecache table. Then in lib/www/scoreboard.php you'd have to adapt the way that the scoreboard is displayed.