*Jesús Alberto Domínguez Alfonso jesusalbertodominguez1983@gmail.com [16/04/14]:
First I think domjudge is amazing, i like it and i want congratulations for your work
1- Version 5.2.0, do you know when will be stable.
We don't have a clear roadmap, but since we've released 5.1.1 recently I do not expect the 5.2.0 release to come up soonish. We may have a point release after the World Finals though.
2-Can i include another files in the problem, for example i have a main file .c and this main file has a file fichero.h to include data in file main or another file with functions to include in main file to use.
Yes, you can configure DOMjudge to accept multi-file submissions.
3- Can I upload and submmit more than one exercise at the same time, for example i have two exercises A and B.
You can have more than one exercise (problem) open for submission at the same time, but the team has to upload the submissions in two separate steps.
4- the same that point 3 but in the jury system execute more than one exercise at the same time.
Yes, a typical contest contains around 10 problems. But you may open any number of problems if you want (that's what we do in our online judge instance for example).