Dear Sirs,

In a contest, I uploaded a problem with a pair of input and output data files which are large (greater than 250MB).
When my students submitted their codes, the judging system could not perform the judgement because of an error occurrence. The error message is included here:
[Oct 18 12:15:00] judgedaemon[20905]: API request GET testcases
[Oct 18 12:15:00] judgedaemon[20905]: Running testcase 5...
[Oct 18 12:15:00] judgedaemon[20905]: API request GET testcase_files
[Oct 18 12:15:05] judgedaemon[20905]: error: Error while executing curl GET to url http://localhost/domjudge/api/testcase_files?testcaseid=8519&input: http status code: 500, response:

I don't know how to fix this kind of error, please help me by giving some advices.
