So that, if I change the content of 'run' or 'compiler' in 'java_javac_dectect' (for example), I have to repack then use md5sum to calculate and update this value and new content of zip file to db?

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 8:57 PM Jaap Eldering <> wrote:
On 14-06-16 08:26, Hoai-Thu Vuong wrote:
> Hi
> In case adding a new language and compile script for a new language or
> update compile script of a language, what should I do?
> I see the source code and domjudge scheme, I found the table
> "executable" contains some content  and md5 of zip files, so that,
> should I write a command to read content of zip file and calculate md5
> then put it into db?

No, the MD5 checksum is generated automatically to verify integrity of
the content.

You should create a zip file with a script 'run' that runs the compiler,
and optionally a script 'build' that is run once before to generate any
files needed for the compiler to run, that is, if you need to *compile
the compiler*, not for compiling submissions.

Download and see the java_javac_detect compile script for Java as example.


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