
I am preparing a problem set for Kattis and thought I'd try making a CTD file input format validator. I found the CTD GitHub and have been following along with the README and language specification. I'm currently a little frustrated. By running Kattis problemtools, I can determine if my ctd file compiles and accepts test cases. Currently, I cannot get


to accept a file with a single space, or

INT(1,10000) EOF

to accept a file with a single integer. I can get EOF to accept an empty file.

Clearly something silly is going on, and it'd be much easier to see by a more instructive error message than accepting or not-accepting. So I thought I'd try to compile the ctd file my self, or run it myself and see if there is more error output. It looks like there's no instructions on how to go about doing that in the README on GitHub. I'm also not sure if the error messages would be more informative.

I am suggesting such instructions be added to the README and that such a command would be able to give me a more informative error.
