Dear Sir,

I have a checker from problem set of Northern Eurasia Programming Contest 2017 ( I uploaded it to my google driver and share it below ).
The checker had been compiled and packaged into a jar file. I wrapped it by a run script.
When I apply this checker (compare checker type) to the problem and trying to evaluate a submission, the following error arose:
[Jul 11 04:58:49.719][48059]: Comparing failed with exitcode 0, compare script output:
[Jul 11 04:58:49.731] judgedaemon[47929]: error: Unknown exitcode from for s801, testcase 1: 1

I don't know how to fix it or make the checker work properly, please help me to do that.

P/S: Because the original file has been blocked by google security service, I changed its extension to .zi, please rename it back to .zip and check.
You can download the checker file from: ""


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Thanks & Best regards 



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