On 11/07/18 12:05, Bình Dương, Tran wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> To run a load test on domjudge, when I read the document which you suggest: https://github.com/ubergeek42/domjudge-gatling <https://github.com/ubergeek42/domjudge-gatling >.
> I noticed to this statement:
> "You should probably start with a clean database before running this script, and wipe the database after it finishes. "
> Does it mean that I shouldn't do the test with a working system where I have a tone of problems and organized contests?
The point is that domjudge-gatling will dirty your database with many new submissions, and _might_ overload and break your database.
If you do run it against your working system, then you should at least have a backup of your database that you know you can use to recover.
> 2018-06-03 2:06 GMT+07:00 Jaap Eldering:
> On 02-06-18 13:00, Bình Dương, Tran wrote:
> > Dear Domjudge Team,
> >
> > Thank for your information on any new proud event of DOMjudge team.
> >
> > I'm working in FPT University in Viet Nam, we have been deploy domjudge in our university to train our ACM Teams. Recently, We would like to expand the ACM training program movement. So one of questions which we are trying to answer is "What is the configuration of Domjudge which is able to support for a contest with about 300 contestants who work individually?"
> Let me first say that we ran the world finals with only 140 teams, but on a laptop.
> I'm not sure you can run a contest with 300 participants on a single laptop, but it would likely be fine on a single well-powered workstation or server. This depends not only on the number of teams, but also how actively they will submit, refresh the scoreboard page, and e.g. how large/many test cases you have.
> > So, could you share to me some information about the configuration which DOMjudge team has been organized in the ICPC World Finals Contest?
> The most common cause of failure we've seen is a poorly configured apache server. See https://www.domjudge.org/docs/admin-manual-3.html#ss3.6 <https://www.domjudge.org/docs/admin-manual-3.html#ss3.6 > for configuration details. Also, you may want to run a load test, see for example https://github.com/ubergeek42/ domjudge-gatling <https://github.com/ubergeek42/domjudge-gatling >.
> Secondly, make sure you have enough judgehosts. When each problem has about 30-50 test cases, and the total size of all test cases is not more than 50-100 MB per problem, about 1 judgehost per 10-20 teams should be fine. If you have many weak teams that don't submit a lot, 1 per 20 might be sufficient, if you have strong teams, or many test cases that time out, then 1 per 10 would be a better estimate. There's no hard and fast rule, so you might want to stay on the safe side.
> Finally, run a test contest, and double check the apache and mysql server logs for any warnings. Those may indicate issues before they become real problems.
> Does anyone else have more to add?
> Best,
> Jaap
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> ------------------------------------ > **TRẦN BÌNH DƯƠNG* *
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