Hi all
I have problem about JAVA please help how to fix this problem.
Lec. Huỳnh Anh Dũng
From: DOMjudge-devel [] On Behalf Of Jesús Alberto Domínguez Alfonso
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: Questions
Aboute the problem ask the other day, I did it and it is working at this moment, the problem was that the virtual machine was in another segment of network, it is ok now.
> readme
> The web interfaces for jury, team, and public can be found under http://
> <hostname>/domjudge/{jury,team,public} respectively. Here <hostname> is the DNS
> name of the DOMjudge-live system. Initially there is the user 'admin' with
> password 'admin'.------
I have another question, if i don´t want use domjude like a contest, can i, i ask this because i want use just for people want improve their knowledge about programming and in admin document said that a contest finish has a 5 hours to finish can i change this.
For example: if i create a contest can i change the maximum time of 5 to for example 6000 hours to end or can i use that
kind regards.
2016-04-17 22:17 GMT+02:00 Tobias Werth <>:
please address these messages to domjudge-devel instead of using
personal mail addresses.
*Jesús Alberto Domínguez Alfonso <> [16/04/17]:
> i have been installed a domjudge-live in a virtual machine.
> i choose the domserver and jury at the menu.
> i have got logged but later i want to see the webinterface but i can´t.
What's the exact error you get?
> readme
> The web interfaces for jury, team, and public can be found under http://
> <hostname>/domjudge/{jury,team,public} respectively. Here <hostname> is the DNS
> name of the DOMjudge-live system. Initially there is the user 'admin' with
> password 'admin'.
> i used the dns, i have used the hostname too but i cannot, could you help me
> please.
Does it work if you use in a browser within the virtual
machine itself?