Hi Andrew,
On 06/05/18 08:23, Andrew Jauhari wrote:
Dear Mr. Jaap,
We are currently having problem with 20+ of testcase our judging process is running slow. In debugging process, we found out that process of API Call in fetching config and testcases is 5 to 7 seconds each. The compiling and executing process has no problem in time manner. Do you have suggestion where we can fix about this ?
Can you be more specific about precisely what is slow? Each of the API calls that the judgedaemon makes? Do they all last 5-7 seconds, also if the system is not under any other load?
How large are your testcases, and what's the network bandwidth?
Can you send a logfile of the judgedaemon where this occurs?
Also, which version of DOMjudge are you running?
Best, Jaap