Do you convenient way to add users, teams, and passwd into domjudge. Do you have sample file. What is account file to import and format of this file.
Are you organizing an ACM ICPC (sub-)regional? Then the easiest way is to generate a web services token on the baylor website and use that token to import (or update) teams.
Apart from that, you can use tab separated files. We try to follow the CCS specification here: https://clics.ecs.baylor.edu/index.php/Contest_Control_System#groups.tsv
You can find the UI to import teams (in both cases, with token or tsv files) as an user with admin rights on the import/export page. You can check it at the demoweb: https://www.domjudge.org/demoweb/jury/impexp.php
Feel free to let us know if you run in any problems.
Another way to import teams is to format it in a way that it fits the domjudge sql table structure and import it using phpmyadmin.