This commit contains the fix for the import after the API change on the Baylor site:
However that's only download, not upload.
Nicky Gerritsen schrieb am Fr., 9. Nov. 2018 um 09:48 Uhr:
On 9 Nov 2018, at 09:39, Marc Furon wrote:
Nicky Gerritsen wrote:
Normally you should import teams2.tsv instead of teams.tsv. I am not
100% sure if that will fix everything (I made some code changes on master for the import), but give it a try.
I just deleted the 109 teams that were imported by using phpMyAdmin on the teams table. I also deleted the one institution that was automatically created from the affiliation table.
When I went to import teams2.tsv I get a "500: Internal Server Error" message. :-(
:( Can you see what the error is? (probably in webapp/var/log/prod.log). As I said this import might be kinda-broken on 6.0 but probably we can figure out how to get it working. Or you can set the affiliations manually of course.
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