It is the same error, Tobias. There is no change in settings. You want to see the error with these settings?
________________________________________ From: Tobias Werth Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2015 10:28 PM To: Br. Anand Shenoi Cc: Maneesh M; Subject: Re: Output limit
*Br. Anand Shenoi [15/12/19]:
The current configuration settings are, script timelimit: 30 script memory limit: 2097152 script filesize limit: 65536 memory limit: 2097152 output limit: 10240 process limit: 100 sourcesize limit: 256 sourcefiles limit: 1 Timelimit overshoot: 1s|10%
That looks ok.
Can you still reproduce the error (without changing these global settings)? Because in the judgehost log from Maneesh the last post_max_size error is from yesterday.