I cannot log in with the default data admin/admin


but when I do this through curl it seems to be working fine:
curl --data "login=admin&passwd=admin&cmd=login" http://isc.unsaac.edu.pe/cuscontest/public/login.php

what could be the reason for this behaviour, hope you can help me.

BTW it was working fine before, I cannot realize why it suddenly took this behaviour,
the domjudge version is 4.0.5 and I'm using this version of ubuntu.
ubuntu@ip-172-31-28-85:~/domjudge-4.0.5$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Release:        14.04
Codename:       trusty


Best Regards.
Dennis Huillca Portilla