Hi Jeroen,
Could you add a description or Makefile documenting how to build this? I tried to do so by installing cabal, and the required packages, but failed. I think I didn't have exactly the right versions, and even then, the Setup binary complained that none of the packages were available.
On 01-01-17 10:42, DOMjudge wrote:
The branch, master has been updated from c525f8b20c1d59e54db2b6399fb5dab9475bb903 (commit) via c6bcd2e71281bf990b0ca9f6254236622d4ebc97 (commit) via d7fea2aabc5ad165ce93589d47398cc99a3f0765 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
https://www.domjudge.org/gitweb/?p=checktestdata.git;a=commitdiff;h=c6bcd2e7 commit c6bcd2e71281bf990b0ca9f6254236622d4ebc97 Author: Jeroen Bransen jeroen@chordify.net Date: Sun Jan 1 13:38:25 2017 +0100
[haskell_edsl] Add regex support
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal b/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal index 42babc6..9e42a30 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal +++ b/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ library containers >=0.5 && <0.6, either >=4.3 && <4.5, mtl >=2.2 && <2.3,
hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010regex-tdfa >= 1.2, uu-parsinglib >= 2.9
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs index e3242b3..11615dc 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Checktestdata.Core ( nextHex, nextFloat, string,
- regex, eof, isEOF, ) where
@@ -21,6 +22,9 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Fractional as FR import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral as INT
+import Text.Regex.TDFA +import Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString
import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
@@ -172,6 +176,24 @@ string s = PrimOp $ do True -> do putRemaining $ BS.drop (length s) cs
+-- | Match with the given regular expression +regex :: String -> CTD String +regex rs = PrimOp $ do
- let reg = compile defaultCompOpt defaultExecOpt $ BS.pack rs
- case reg of
- Left e -> failWithLocation e
- Right r -> do
cs <- getRemaining
let err = "Expression " ++ show rs ++ " does not match"
case regexec r cs of
Right (Just (pre,main,post,_)) -> case BS.null pre of
True -> do
putRemaining post
return $ BS.unpack main
False -> failWithLocation err
Left e -> failWithLocation e
Right _ -> failWithLocation err
-- | Check whether we are at the end of the file. isEOF :: CTD Bool isEOF = PrimOp $ do
https://www.domjudge.org/gitweb/?p=checktestdata.git;a=commitdiff;h=d7fea2aa commit d7fea2aabc5ad165ce93589d47398cc99a3f0765 Author: Jeroen Bransen jeroen@chordify.net Date: Sun Jan 1 13:40:02 2017 +0100
[haskell_edsl] Almost complete backwards compatibility, passes most tests
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs index f116515..7542c24 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ module Checktestdata.Script.AST (
- Var,
- VarName,
- Var (..), Block, AST (..), Expr (..),
@@ -8,9 +9,11 @@ module Checktestdata.Script.AST ( Test (..), CompOp (..), ) where --- data Var = Var String [Expr]
-type Var = String +type VarName = String
+data Var = Var VarName [Expr]
deriving ( Show )
type Block = [AST]
@@ -20,11 +23,12 @@ data AST = CSpace | CInt Expr Expr (Maybe Var) | CFloat Expr Expr (Maybe Var) (Maybe FloatOption) | CString Expr
| CRegex Expr (Maybe Var) | CRep (Maybe Var) Expr (Maybe AST) Block -- var, count, separator, body | CWhile (Maybe Var) Test (Maybe AST) Block | CAssert Test | CSet [(Var, Expr)]
| CUnset [Var]
| CUnset [VarName] | CIf Test Block (Maybe Block) deriving (Show)
@@ -54,8 +58,8 @@ data Test = Not Test | And Test Test | Or Test Test | Match Expr
| Unique [Var]
| InArray Expr Var
| Unique [VarName]
| InArray Expr VarName | IsEOF deriving (Show)
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs index c74c9a9..8013e09 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Checktestdata.Core import Checktestdata.Derived import Checktestdata.Script.AST
+import Data.List ( genericLength, transpose ) import Data.Map ( Map ) import qualified Data.Map as Map
@@ -19,26 +20,32 @@ import Control.Monad.State
-- todo: error handling on script parsing level --- todo: arrays
data Value = VInt Integer | VFloat Rational | VString String
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )
-type ValueMap = Map Var Value +type ValueMap = Map VarName (Map [Value] Value)
setValue :: Maybe Var -> Value -> InterpretMonad () setValue Nothing _ = return () -setValue (Just var) val = modify $ Map.insert var val +setValue (Just (Var var eidxs)) val = do
- idxs <- mapM fExpr eidxs
- modify $ Map.insertWith Map.union var $ Map.singleton idxs val
getValue :: Var -> InterpretMonad Value -getValue var = do +getValue (Var var eidxs) = do vm <- get case Map.lookup var vm of
- Nothing -> error $ "Undefined variable " ++ var
- Just val -> return val
-unsetVar :: Var -> InterpretMonad ()
- Nothing -> error $ "Undefined variable " ++ show var
- Just vmi -> do
idxs <- mapM fExpr eidxs
case Map.lookup idxs vmi of
Nothing -> error $ "Undefined index " ++ show idxs
Just val -> return val
+unsetVar :: VarName -> InterpretMonad () unsetVar var = modify $ Map.delete var
toInt :: Value -> InterpretMonad Integer @@ -66,133 +73,158 @@ liftC = lift
-- | Interpret an old checktestdata script into an executable 'CTD' interpret :: Block -> CTD () -interpret = flip evalStateT Map.empty . fBlock where +interpret = flip evalStateT Map.empty . fBlock
- -- Code blocks (simple fold)
- fBlock :: Block -> InterpretMonad ()
- fBlock = mapM_ fAST
- -- AST elements
- fAST :: AST -> InterpretMonad ()
- fAST CSpace = liftC space
- fAST CNewline = liftC newline
- fAST CEOF = liftC eof
- fAST (CSet vs) = forM_ vs $ (var,e) -> do
- val <- fExpr e
- setValue (Just var) val
- fAST (CUnset vs) = mapM_ unsetVar vs
- fAST (CInt low up var) = do
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toInt
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toInt
- val <- liftC $ int vlow vup
- setValue var (VInt val)
- fAST (CFloat low up var _) = do -- todo: scientific/fixed option
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toFloat
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toFloat
- val <- liftC $ float vlow vup
- setValue var (VFloat val)
- fAST (CString s) = do
- str <- fExpr s >>= toString
- liftC $ string str
- fAST (CAssert test) = do
- b <- fTest test
- liftC $ assert b
- fAST (CRep var count mbSep body) = do
- vcount <- fExpr count >>= toInt
- forM_ [0..vcount-1] $ \i -> do
-- Parse separator
case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- Set iterator
setValue var (VInt i)
+fBlock :: Block -> InterpretMonad () +fBlock = mapM_ fAST
+-- AST elements +fAST :: AST -> InterpretMonad () +fAST CSpace = liftC space +fAST CNewline = liftC newline +fAST CEOF = liftC eof +fAST (CSet vs) = forM_ vs $ (var,e) -> do
- val <- fExpr e
- setValue (Just var) val
+fAST (CUnset vs) = mapM_ unsetVar vs +fAST (CInt low up var) = do
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toInt
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toInt
- val <- liftC $ int vlow vup
- setValue var (VInt val)
+fAST (CFloat low up var _) = do -- todo: scientific/fixed option
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toFloat
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toFloat
- val <- liftC $ float vlow vup
- setValue var (VFloat val)
+fAST (CString s) = do
- str <- fExpr s >>= toString
- liftC $ string str
+fAST (CRegex sr var) = do
- r <- fExpr sr >>= toString
- val <- liftC $ regex r
- setValue var (VString val)
+fAST (CAssert test) = do
- b <- fTest test
- liftC $ assert b
+fAST (CRep var count mbSep body) = do
- vcount <- fExpr count >>= toInt
- forM_ [0..vcount-1] $ \i -> do
- -- Parse separator
- case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- Do the body
fBlock body
- fAST (CWhile var test mbSep body) = do
- let it :: Integer -> InterpretMonad ()
it i = do
setValue var (VInt i)
b <- fTest test
when b $ do
-- Condition true, so parse separator
case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- And parse body
fBlock body
-- And repeat
it $ i + 1
- it 0
- fAST (CIf test ifTrue mbIfFalse) = do
- b <- fTest test
- if b then fBlock ifTrue
else case mbIfFalse of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bl -> fBlock bl
- -- Expression evaluation
- fExpr :: Expr -> InterpretMonad Value
- fExpr (EVar var) = getValue var
- fExpr (ConstI v) = return $ VInt v
- fExpr (ConstF v) = return $ VFloat v
- fExpr (ConstS v) = return $ VString v
- fExpr (Negate e) = do
- val <- fExpr e
- case val of
VInt v -> return $ VInt $ negate v
VFloat v -> return $ VFloat $ negate v
_ -> error "Integer of float expected"
- fExpr (BinOp op e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1
- v2 <- fExpr e2
- fBinOp op v1 v2
- -- Binary operators
- fBinOp :: BinOp -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value
- fBinOp Plus v1 v2 = fNumOp (+) v1 v2
- fBinOp Minus v1 v2 = fNumOp (-) v1 v2
- fBinOp Times v1 v2 = fNumOp (*) v1 v2
- fBinOp Div v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `div` i2
- _ -> do
f1 <- toFloat v1
f2 <- toFloat v2
return $ VFloat $ f1 / f2
- fBinOp Modulo v1 v2 = do
- i1 <- toInt v1
- i2 <- toInt v2
- return $ VInt $ i1 `mod` i2
- fBinOp Pow v1 v2 = do
- i2 <- toInt v2
- case v1 of
VInt i1 -> return $ VInt $ i1 ^ i2
VFloat f1 -> return $ VFloat $ f1 ^^ i2
_ -> error "Integer of float expected"
- fNumOp :: (forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a) -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value
- fNumOp op v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `op` i2
- _ -> do
f1 <- toFloat v1
f2 <- toFloat v2
return $ VFloat $ f1 `op` f2
- fTest :: Test -> InterpretMonad Bool
- fTest IsEOF = liftC isEOF
- fTest (Not test) = liftM not (fTest test)
- fTest (And t1 t2) = liftM2 (&&) (fTest t1) (fTest t2)
- fTest (Or t1 t2) = liftM2 (||) (fTest t1) (fTest t2)
- fTest (CompOp cmp e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1 >>= toFloat -- note that Float here is also exact
- v2 <- fExpr e2 >>= toFloat
- let Just op = cmp `lookup` [ (CompGT, (>))
, (CompGE, (>=))
, (CompEQ, (==))
, (CompNE, (/=))
, (CompLT, (<))
, (CompLE, (<=)) ]
- return $ v1 `op` v2
- fTest (Match e) = do
- s <- fExpr e >>= toString
- liftC $ match s
- -- Set iterator
- setValue var (VInt i)
- -- Do the body
- fBlock body
+fAST (CWhile var test mbSep body) = do
- let it :: Integer -> InterpretMonad ()
it i = do
setValue var (VInt i)
b <- fTest test
when b $ do
-- Condition true, so parse separator
case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- And parse body
fBlock body
-- And repeat
it $ i + 1
- it 0
+fAST (CIf test ifTrue mbIfFalse) = do
- b <- fTest test
- if b then fBlock ifTrue
else case mbIfFalse of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bl -> fBlock bl
+-- Expression evaluation +fExpr :: Expr -> InterpretMonad Value +fExpr (EVar var) = getValue var +fExpr (ConstI v) = return $ VInt v +fExpr (ConstF v) = return $ VFloat v +fExpr (ConstS v) = return $ VString v +fExpr (StrLen e) = do
- val <- fExpr e >>= toString
- return $ VInt $ genericLength val
+fExpr (Negate e) = do
- val <- fExpr e
- case val of
- VInt v -> return $ VInt $ negate v
- VFloat v -> return $ VFloat $ negate v
- _ -> error "Integer of float expected"
+fExpr (BinOp op e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1
- v2 <- fExpr e2
- fBinOp op v1 v2
+-- Binary operators +fBinOp :: BinOp -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value +fBinOp Plus v1 v2 = fNumOp (+) v1 v2 +fBinOp Minus v1 v2 = fNumOp (-) v1 v2 +fBinOp Times v1 v2 = fNumOp (*) v1 v2 +fBinOp Div v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `div` i2
- _ -> do
- f1 <- toFloat v1
- f2 <- toFloat v2
- return $ VFloat $ f1 / f2
+fBinOp Modulo v1 v2 = do
- i1 <- toInt v1
- i2 <- toInt v2
- return $ VInt $ i1 `mod` i2
+fBinOp Pow v1 v2 = do
- i2 <- toInt v2
- case v1 of
- VInt i1 -> return $ VInt $ i1 ^ i2
- VFloat f1 -> return $ VFloat $ f1 ^^ i2
- _ -> error "Integer of float expected"
+fNumOp :: (forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a) -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value +fNumOp op v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `op` i2
- _ -> do
- f1 <- toFloat v1
- f2 <- toFloat v2
- return $ VFloat $ f1 `op` f2
+fTest :: Test -> InterpretMonad Bool +fTest IsEOF = liftC isEOF +fTest (Not test) = liftM not (fTest test) +fTest (And t1 t2) = liftM2 (&&) (fTest t1) (fTest t2) +fTest (Or t1 t2) = liftM2 (||) (fTest t1) (fTest t2) +fTest (Unique vs) = do
- vm <- get
- keyvals <- forM vs $ \v -> do
- let mp = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "Undefined variable " ++ v) v vm
- let (keys, vals) = unzip $ Map.toList mp
- return (keys, vals)
- let (k:ks, vals) = unzip keyvals
- let pairs = transpose vals
- when (any (/=k) ks) $ liftC $ fail "Different sets of indices"
- return $ unique pairs
+fTest (InArray val var) = do
- vm <- get
- case Map.lookup var vm of
- Nothing -> liftC $ fail $ "Undefined variable " ++ var
- Just vals -> do
v <- fExpr val
return $ v `elem` Map.elems vals
+fTest (CompOp cmp e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1 >>= toFloat -- note that Float here is also exact
- v2 <- fExpr e2 >>= toFloat
- let Just op = cmp `lookup` [ (CompGT, (>))
, (CompGE, (>=))
, (CompEQ, (==))
, (CompNE, (/=))
, (CompLT, (<))
, (CompLE, (<=)) ]
- return $ v1 `op` v2
+fTest (Match e) = do
- s <- fExpr e >>= toString
- liftC $ match s
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs index 125ce40..5618432 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs @@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ module Checktestdata.Script.Parser (
import Checktestdata.Script.AST
---import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ---import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language ---import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr ---import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token
import Data.Char import Data.Ratio
@@ -25,12 +20,24 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils parseScript :: FilePath -> IO Block parseScript fp = do contents <- readFile fp
- case execParser (pSpaces *> pBlock) (dropComments contents) of
- (r, []) -> return r
- (r, err) -> mapM_ print err >> return r
- return $ runParser fp (pSpaces *> pBlock) (dropComments contents)
+-- | Remove all comments from the text. This is less trivial than it seems +-- as # may also be inside a string literal. dropComments :: String -> String -dropComments = unlines . map (takeWhile (/='#')) . lines +dropComments = f False False where
- f :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> String -- inComment, inString
- f _ _ "" = ""
- f True False ('\n':xs) = '\n' : f False False xs
- f True False ( _:xs) = f True False xs
- f False True ('\':x:xs) = '\' : x : f False True xs
- f False True ('"' :xs) = '"' : f False False xs
- f False True ( x:xs) = x : f False True xs
- f False False ('"' :xs) = '"' : f False True xs
- f False False ('#' :xs) = f True False xs
- f False False ( x:xs) = x : f False False xs
- f _ _ _ = error "dropComments: invariant failed"
-- Parsing @@ -48,19 +55,19 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <*> pExpr <* pComma <*> pExpr
<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> identifier <<|> pure Nothing)
<<|> CFloat <$ pSymbol "FLOAT" <* pLParen <*> pExpr <* pComma <*> pExpr<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pVar <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> identifier <<|> pure Nothing)
<<|> CRep <$ pSymbol "REPI" <* pLParen<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pVar <<|> pure Nothing) <*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pFloatOption <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
<*> (Just <$> identifier <* pComma)
<*> (Just <$> pVar <* pComma) <*> pExpr <*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pAST <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
@@ -76,7 +83,7 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <* pSymbol "END" <<|> CWhile <$ pSymbol "WHILEI" <* pLParen
<*> (Just <$> identifier <* pComma)
<*> (Just <$> pVar <* pComma) <*> pTest <*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pAST <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
@@ -101,6 +108,11 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <* pLParen <*> pTest <* pRParen
- <<|> CRegex <$ pSymbol "REGEX"
<* pLParen
<*> pExpr
<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pVar <<|> pure Nothing)
<<|> CString <$ pSymbol "STRING" <* pLParen <*> pExpr<* pRParen
@@ -109,11 +121,15 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <* pLParen <*> pListSep pComma (
(,) <$> identifier
<* pSym '='
(,) <$> pVar
<* lexeme (pSym '=') <*> pExpr ) <* pRParen
- <<|> CUnset <$ pSymbol "UNSET"
<* pLParen
<*> pListSep pComma identifier
<* pRParen
pFloatOption :: Parser FloatOption pFloatOption = Scientific <$ pSymbol "SCIENTIFIC" @@ -121,12 +137,16 @@ pFloatOption = Scientific <$ pSymbol "SCIENTIFIC"
pExpr :: Parser Expr pExpr = foldr pChainl pExprBase (map same_prio operators) where
- same_prio ops = msum [ BinOp op <$ pSym c | (c, op) <- ops]
- same_prio ops = msum [ BinOp op <$ lexeme (pSym c) | (c, op) <- ops] pExprBase :: Parser Expr pExprBase = pParens pExpr
- <<|> Negate <$ pSym '-'
- <<|> Negate <$ lexeme (pSym '-') <*> pExpr
- <<|> EVar <$> identifier
- <<|> StrLen <$ pSymbol "STRLEN"
<* pLParen
<*> pExpr
<* pRParen
- <<|> EVar <$> pVar <<|> ConstS <$> pString <<|> lexeme pNumber
@@ -151,6 +171,7 @@ pNumber = mkNum mkNum i mbF mbE = ConstF $ (fromInteger i + fpart) * epart where fpart = case mbF of Nothing -> 0
epart = case mbE of Nothing -> 1Just "" -> 0 Just f -> (read f) % (10 ^ length f)
@@ -158,16 +179,31 @@ pNumber = mkNum
-- | Parse a literal string pString :: Parser String -pString = lexeme $ pSym '"' *> pList pChar <* pSym '"' where
- pChar :: Parser Char -- todo: [0-7]{1,3} denotes an octal escape for a character
- pChar = '\n' <$ pToken "\n"
<<|> '\t' <$ pToken "\\t"
<<|> '\r' <$ pToken "\\r"
<<|> '\b' <$ pToken "\\b"
<<|> '"' <$ pToken "\\\""
<<|> '\\' <$ pToken "\\\\"
<<|> pToken "\\\n" *> pSatisfy (/='"') (Insertion "x" 'x' 5)
<<|> pSatisfy (/='"') (Insertion "x" 'x' 5)
+pString = lexeme $ pSym '"' *> pList pChar <* pSym '"' where
- pChar :: Parser Char
- pChar = pSym '\' *> ( pOctal
<<|> '\n' <$ pSym 'n'
<<|> '\t' <$ pSym 't'
<<|> '\r' <$ pSym 'r'
<<|> '\b' <$ pSym 'b'
<<|> '\\' <$ pSym '\\'
<<|> '"' <$ pSym '"'
<<|> pSym '\n' *> pChar
<<|> pure '\\')
- <<|> pSatisfy (/='"') (Insertion "x" 'x' 5)
- pOctal :: Parser Char
- pOctal = toOct <$> octDig
<*> (Just <$> octDig <<|> pure Nothing)
<*> (Just <$> octDig <<|> pure Nothing)
- toOct :: Char -> Maybe Char -> Maybe Char -> Char
- toOct d1 (Just d2) (Just d3) = chr $ 64 * toNum d1 + 8 * toNum d2 + toNum d3
- toOct d1 (Just d2) Nothing = chr $ 8 * toNum d1 + toNum d2
- toOct d1 Nothing Nothing = chr $ toNum d1
- toOct _ _ _ = error $ "toOct: invariant failed"
- toNum :: Char -> Int
- toNum c = ord c - ord '0'
- octDig :: Parser Char
- octDig = pSatisfy (\c -> '0' <= c && c <= '7') (Insertion "0" '0' 5)
-- | Parse boolean expressions pTest :: Parser Test @@ -175,7 +211,7 @@ pTest = pChainl bOps pTestBase where bOps = And <$ pSymbol "&&" <<|> Or <$ pSymbol "||" pTestBase = pParens pTest
<<|> Not <$ pSym '!'
<<|> Not <$ lexeme (pSym '!') <*> pTest <<|> IsEOF <$ pSymbol "ISEOF" <<|> Match <$ pSymbol "MATCH"
@@ -203,9 +239,14 @@ pTest = pChainl bOps pTestBase where ] ]
+-- | Parse a variable (possibly with array indices) +pVar :: Parser Var +pVar = Var <$> identifier
<*> ( pLBracket *> pListSep pComma pExpr <* pRBracket <<|> pure [])
-- Lexing
identifier :: Parser String -identifier = lexeme $ (:) <$> pLetter <*> pMunch isAlphaNum +identifier = lexeme $ (:) <$> pLower <*> pMunch (\c -> isLower c || isDigit c)
Summary of changes: haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal | 1 + haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs | 22 ++ haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs | 16 +- .../src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs | 304 ++++++++++++--------- haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs | 101 +++++-- 5 files changed, 272 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)
Yes, it's a proof of concept so docs are still a todo ;-) In short, install Haskell platform and then (in the haskell_edsl dir), do:
cabal install --only-dependencies cabal configure cabal build
This installs the required dependencies, and then creates an executable in dist/build/checktestdata/checktestdata. Alternatively you may just do 'cabal install' but this installs the checktestdata executable globally, which may conflict with other executables of that name in your path.
Op 1-1-2017 om 15:14 schreef Jaap Eldering:
Hi Jeroen,
Could you add a description or Makefile documenting how to build this? I tried to do so by installing cabal, and the required packages, but failed. I think I didn't have exactly the right versions, and even then, the Setup binary complained that none of the packages were available.
On 01-01-17 10:42, DOMjudge wrote:
The branch, master has been updated from c525f8b20c1d59e54db2b6399fb5dab9475bb903 (commit) via c6bcd2e71281bf990b0ca9f6254236622d4ebc97 (commit) via d7fea2aabc5ad165ce93589d47398cc99a3f0765 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
https://www.domjudge.org/gitweb/?p=checktestdata.git;a=commitdiff;h=c6bcd2e7 commit c6bcd2e71281bf990b0ca9f6254236622d4ebc97 Author: Jeroen Bransen jeroen@chordify.net Date: Sun Jan 1 13:38:25 2017 +0100
[haskell_edsl] Add regex support
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal b/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal index 42babc6..9e42a30 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal +++ b/haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ library containers >=0.5 && <0.6, either >=4.3 && <4.5, mtl >=2.2 && <2.3,
hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010regex-tdfa >= 1.2, uu-parsinglib >= 2.9
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs index e3242b3..11615dc 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Checktestdata.Core ( nextHex, nextFloat, string,
- regex, eof, isEOF, ) where
@@ -21,6 +22,9 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Fractional as FR import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral as INT
+import Text.Regex.TDFA +import Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString
- import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
@@ -172,6 +176,24 @@ string s = PrimOp $ do True -> do putRemaining $ BS.drop (length s) cs
+-- | Match with the given regular expression +regex :: String -> CTD String +regex rs = PrimOp $ do
- let reg = compile defaultCompOpt defaultExecOpt $ BS.pack rs
- case reg of
- Left e -> failWithLocation e
- Right r -> do
cs <- getRemaining
let err = "Expression " ++ show rs ++ " does not match"
case regexec r cs of
Right (Just (pre,main,post,_)) -> case BS.null pre of
True -> do
putRemaining post
return $ BS.unpack main
False -> failWithLocation err
Left e -> failWithLocation e
Right _ -> failWithLocation err
- -- | Check whether we are at the end of the file. isEOF :: CTD Bool isEOF = PrimOp $ do
https://www.domjudge.org/gitweb/?p=checktestdata.git;a=commitdiff;h=d7fea2aa commit d7fea2aabc5ad165ce93589d47398cc99a3f0765 Author: Jeroen Bransen jeroen@chordify.net Date: Sun Jan 1 13:40:02 2017 +0100
[haskell_edsl] Almost complete backwards compatibility, passes most tests
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs index f116515..7542c24 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ module Checktestdata.Script.AST (
- Var,
- VarName,
- Var (..), Block, AST (..), Expr (..),
@@ -8,9 +9,11 @@ module Checktestdata.Script.AST ( Test (..), CompOp (..), ) where --- data Var = Var String [Expr]
-type Var = String +type VarName = String
+data Var = Var VarName [Expr]
deriving ( Show )
type Block = [AST]
@@ -20,11 +23,12 @@ data AST = CSpace | CInt Expr Expr (Maybe Var) | CFloat Expr Expr (Maybe Var) (Maybe FloatOption) | CString Expr
| CRegex Expr (Maybe Var) | CRep (Maybe Var) Expr (Maybe AST) Block -- var, count, separator, body | CWhile (Maybe Var) Test (Maybe AST) Block | CAssert Test | CSet [(Var, Expr)]
| CUnset [Var]
| CUnset [VarName] | CIf Test Block (Maybe Block) deriving (Show)
@@ -54,8 +58,8 @@ data Test = Not Test | And Test Test | Or Test Test | Match Expr
| Unique [Var]
| InArray Expr Var
| Unique [VarName]
| InArray Expr VarName | IsEOF deriving (Show)
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs index c74c9a9..8013e09 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Checktestdata.Core import Checktestdata.Derived import Checktestdata.Script.AST
+import Data.List ( genericLength, transpose ) import Data.Map ( Map ) import qualified Data.Map as Map
@@ -19,26 +20,32 @@ import Control.Monad.State
-- todo: error handling on script parsing level --- todo: arrays
data Value = VInt Integer | VFloat Rational | VString String
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )
-type ValueMap = Map Var Value +type ValueMap = Map VarName (Map [Value] Value)
setValue :: Maybe Var -> Value -> InterpretMonad () setValue Nothing _ = return () -setValue (Just var) val = modify $ Map.insert var val +setValue (Just (Var var eidxs)) val = do
idxs <- mapM fExpr eidxs
modify $ Map.insertWith Map.union var $ Map.singleton idxs val
getValue :: Var -> InterpretMonad Value
-getValue var = do +getValue (Var var eidxs) = do vm <- get case Map.lookup var vm of
- Nothing -> error $ "Undefined variable " ++ var
- Just val -> return val
-unsetVar :: Var -> InterpretMonad ()
- Nothing -> error $ "Undefined variable " ++ show var
- Just vmi -> do
idxs <- mapM fExpr eidxs
case Map.lookup idxs vmi of
Nothing -> error $ "Undefined index " ++ show idxs
Just val -> return val
+unsetVar :: VarName -> InterpretMonad () unsetVar var = modify $ Map.delete var
toInt :: Value -> InterpretMonad Integer @@ -66,133 +73,158 @@ liftC = lift
-- | Interpret an old checktestdata script into an executable 'CTD' interpret :: Block -> CTD () -interpret = flip evalStateT Map.empty . fBlock where +interpret = flip evalStateT Map.empty . fBlock
- -- Code blocks (simple fold)
- fBlock :: Block -> InterpretMonad ()
- fBlock = mapM_ fAST
- -- AST elements
- fAST :: AST -> InterpretMonad ()
- fAST CSpace = liftC space
- fAST CNewline = liftC newline
- fAST CEOF = liftC eof
- fAST (CSet vs) = forM_ vs $ (var,e) -> do
- val <- fExpr e
- setValue (Just var) val
- fAST (CUnset vs) = mapM_ unsetVar vs
- fAST (CInt low up var) = do
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toInt
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toInt
- val <- liftC $ int vlow vup
- setValue var (VInt val)
- fAST (CFloat low up var _) = do -- todo: scientific/fixed option
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toFloat
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toFloat
- val <- liftC $ float vlow vup
- setValue var (VFloat val)
- fAST (CString s) = do
- str <- fExpr s >>= toString
- liftC $ string str
- fAST (CAssert test) = do
- b <- fTest test
- liftC $ assert b
- fAST (CRep var count mbSep body) = do
- vcount <- fExpr count >>= toInt
- forM_ [0..vcount-1] $ \i -> do
-- Parse separator
case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- Set iterator
setValue var (VInt i)
+fBlock :: Block -> InterpretMonad () +fBlock = mapM_ fAST
+-- AST elements +fAST :: AST -> InterpretMonad () +fAST CSpace = liftC space +fAST CNewline = liftC newline +fAST CEOF = liftC eof +fAST (CSet vs) = forM_ vs $ (var,e) -> do
- val <- fExpr e
- setValue (Just var) val
+fAST (CUnset vs) = mapM_ unsetVar vs +fAST (CInt low up var) = do
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toInt
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toInt
- val <- liftC $ int vlow vup
- setValue var (VInt val)
+fAST (CFloat low up var _) = do -- todo: scientific/fixed option
- vlow <- fExpr low >>= toFloat
- vup <- fExpr up >>= toFloat
- val <- liftC $ float vlow vup
- setValue var (VFloat val)
+fAST (CString s) = do
- str <- fExpr s >>= toString
- liftC $ string str
+fAST (CRegex sr var) = do
- r <- fExpr sr >>= toString
- val <- liftC $ regex r
- setValue var (VString val)
+fAST (CAssert test) = do
- b <- fTest test
- liftC $ assert b
+fAST (CRep var count mbSep body) = do
- vcount <- fExpr count >>= toInt
- forM_ [0..vcount-1] $ \i -> do
- -- Parse separator
- case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- Do the body
fBlock body
- fAST (CWhile var test mbSep body) = do
- let it :: Integer -> InterpretMonad ()
it i = do
setValue var (VInt i)
b <- fTest test
when b $ do
-- Condition true, so parse separator
case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- And parse body
fBlock body
-- And repeat
it $ i + 1
- it 0
- fAST (CIf test ifTrue mbIfFalse) = do
- b <- fTest test
- if b then fBlock ifTrue
else case mbIfFalse of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bl -> fBlock bl
- -- Expression evaluation
- fExpr :: Expr -> InterpretMonad Value
- fExpr (EVar var) = getValue var
- fExpr (ConstI v) = return $ VInt v
- fExpr (ConstF v) = return $ VFloat v
- fExpr (ConstS v) = return $ VString v
- fExpr (Negate e) = do
- val <- fExpr e
- case val of
VInt v -> return $ VInt $ negate v
VFloat v -> return $ VFloat $ negate v
_ -> error "Integer of float expected"
- fExpr (BinOp op e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1
- v2 <- fExpr e2
- fBinOp op v1 v2
- -- Binary operators
- fBinOp :: BinOp -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value
- fBinOp Plus v1 v2 = fNumOp (+) v1 v2
- fBinOp Minus v1 v2 = fNumOp (-) v1 v2
- fBinOp Times v1 v2 = fNumOp (*) v1 v2
- fBinOp Div v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `div` i2
- _ -> do
f1 <- toFloat v1
f2 <- toFloat v2
return $ VFloat $ f1 / f2
- fBinOp Modulo v1 v2 = do
- i1 <- toInt v1
- i2 <- toInt v2
- return $ VInt $ i1 `mod` i2
- fBinOp Pow v1 v2 = do
- i2 <- toInt v2
- case v1 of
VInt i1 -> return $ VInt $ i1 ^ i2
VFloat f1 -> return $ VFloat $ f1 ^^ i2
_ -> error "Integer of float expected"
- fNumOp :: (forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a) -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value
- fNumOp op v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `op` i2
- _ -> do
f1 <- toFloat v1
f2 <- toFloat v2
return $ VFloat $ f1 `op` f2
- fTest :: Test -> InterpretMonad Bool
- fTest IsEOF = liftC isEOF
- fTest (Not test) = liftM not (fTest test)
- fTest (And t1 t2) = liftM2 (&&) (fTest t1) (fTest t2)
- fTest (Or t1 t2) = liftM2 (||) (fTest t1) (fTest t2)
- fTest (CompOp cmp e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1 >>= toFloat -- note that Float here is also exact
- v2 <- fExpr e2 >>= toFloat
- let Just op = cmp `lookup` [ (CompGT, (>))
, (CompGE, (>=))
, (CompEQ, (==))
, (CompNE, (/=))
, (CompLT, (<))
, (CompLE, (<=)) ]
- return $ v1 `op` v2
- fTest (Match e) = do
- s <- fExpr e >>= toString
- liftC $ match s
- -- Set iterator
- setValue var (VInt i)
- -- Do the body
- fBlock body
+fAST (CWhile var test mbSep body) = do
- let it :: Integer -> InterpretMonad ()
it i = do
setValue var (VInt i)
b <- fTest test
when b $ do
-- Condition true, so parse separator
case mbSep of
Just sep | i > 0 -> fAST sep
_ -> return ()
-- And parse body
fBlock body
-- And repeat
it $ i + 1
- it 0
+fAST (CIf test ifTrue mbIfFalse) = do
- b <- fTest test
- if b then fBlock ifTrue
else case mbIfFalse of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bl -> fBlock bl
+-- Expression evaluation +fExpr :: Expr -> InterpretMonad Value +fExpr (EVar var) = getValue var +fExpr (ConstI v) = return $ VInt v +fExpr (ConstF v) = return $ VFloat v +fExpr (ConstS v) = return $ VString v +fExpr (StrLen e) = do
- val <- fExpr e >>= toString
- return $ VInt $ genericLength val
+fExpr (Negate e) = do
- val <- fExpr e
- case val of
- VInt v -> return $ VInt $ negate v
- VFloat v -> return $ VFloat $ negate v
- _ -> error "Integer of float expected"
+fExpr (BinOp op e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1
- v2 <- fExpr e2
- fBinOp op v1 v2
+-- Binary operators +fBinOp :: BinOp -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value +fBinOp Plus v1 v2 = fNumOp (+) v1 v2 +fBinOp Minus v1 v2 = fNumOp (-) v1 v2 +fBinOp Times v1 v2 = fNumOp (*) v1 v2 +fBinOp Div v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `div` i2
- _ -> do
- f1 <- toFloat v1
- f2 <- toFloat v2
- return $ VFloat $ f1 / f2
+fBinOp Modulo v1 v2 = do
- i1 <- toInt v1
- i2 <- toInt v2
- return $ VInt $ i1 `mod` i2
+fBinOp Pow v1 v2 = do
- i2 <- toInt v2
- case v1 of
- VInt i1 -> return $ VInt $ i1 ^ i2
- VFloat f1 -> return $ VFloat $ f1 ^^ i2
- _ -> error "Integer of float expected"
+fNumOp :: (forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a) -> Value -> Value -> InterpretMonad Value +fNumOp op v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
- (VInt i1, VInt i2) -> return $ VInt $ i1 `op` i2
- _ -> do
- f1 <- toFloat v1
- f2 <- toFloat v2
- return $ VFloat $ f1 `op` f2
+fTest :: Test -> InterpretMonad Bool +fTest IsEOF = liftC isEOF +fTest (Not test) = liftM not (fTest test) +fTest (And t1 t2) = liftM2 (&&) (fTest t1) (fTest t2) +fTest (Or t1 t2) = liftM2 (||) (fTest t1) (fTest t2) +fTest (Unique vs) = do
- vm <- get
- keyvals <- forM vs $ \v -> do
- let mp = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "Undefined variable " ++ v) v vm
- let (keys, vals) = unzip $ Map.toList mp
- return (keys, vals)
- let (k:ks, vals) = unzip keyvals
- let pairs = transpose vals
- when (any (/=k) ks) $ liftC $ fail "Different sets of indices"
- return $ unique pairs
+fTest (InArray val var) = do
- vm <- get
- case Map.lookup var vm of
- Nothing -> liftC $ fail $ "Undefined variable " ++ var
- Just vals -> do
v <- fExpr val
return $ v `elem` Map.elems vals
+fTest (CompOp cmp e1 e2) = do
- v1 <- fExpr e1 >>= toFloat -- note that Float here is also exact
- v2 <- fExpr e2 >>= toFloat
- let Just op = cmp `lookup` [ (CompGT, (>))
, (CompGE, (>=))
, (CompEQ, (==))
, (CompNE, (/=))
, (CompLT, (<))
, (CompLE, (<=)) ]
- return $ v1 `op` v2
+fTest (Match e) = do
- s <- fExpr e >>= toString
- liftC $ match s
diff --git a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs index 125ce40..5618432 100644 --- a/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs +++ b/haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs @@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ module Checktestdata.Script.Parser (
import Checktestdata.Script.AST
---import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ---import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language ---import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr ---import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token
- import Data.Char import Data.Ratio
@@ -25,12 +20,24 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils parseScript :: FilePath -> IO Block parseScript fp = do contents <- readFile fp
- case execParser (pSpaces *> pBlock) (dropComments contents) of
- (r, []) -> return r
- (r, err) -> mapM_ print err >> return r
- return $ runParser fp (pSpaces *> pBlock) (dropComments contents)
+-- | Remove all comments from the text. This is less trivial than it seems +-- as # may also be inside a string literal. dropComments :: String -> String -dropComments = unlines . map (takeWhile (/='#')) . lines +dropComments = f False False where
f :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> String -- inComment, inString
f _ _ "" = ""
f True False ('\n':xs) = '\n' : f False False xs
f True False ( _:xs) = f True False xs
f False True ('\':x:xs) = '\' : x : f False True xs
f False True ('"' :xs) = '"' : f False False xs
f False True ( x:xs) = x : f False True xs
f False False ('"' :xs) = '"' : f False True xs
f False False ('#' :xs) = f True False xs
f False False ( x:xs) = x : f False False xs
f _ _ _ = error "dropComments: invariant failed"
-- Parsing
@@ -48,19 +55,19 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <*> pExpr <* pComma <*> pExpr
<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> identifier <<|> pure Nothing)
<<|> CFloat <$ pSymbol "FLOAT" <* pLParen <*> pExpr <* pComma <*> pExpr<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pVar <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> identifier <<|> pure Nothing)
<<|> CRep <$ pSymbol "REPI" <* pLParen<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pVar <<|> pure Nothing) <*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pFloatOption <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
<*> (Just <$> identifier <* pComma)
<*> (Just <$> pVar <* pComma) <*> pExpr <*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pAST <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
@@ -76,7 +83,7 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <* pSymbol "END" <<|> CWhile <$ pSymbol "WHILEI" <* pLParen
<*> (Just <$> identifier <* pComma)
<*> (Just <$> pVar <* pComma) <*> pTest <*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pAST <<|> pure Nothing) <* pRParen
@@ -101,6 +108,11 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <* pLParen <*> pTest <* pRParen
- <<|> CRegex <$ pSymbol "REGEX"
<* pLParen
<*> pExpr
<*> (Just <$ pComma <*> pVar <<|> pure Nothing)
<<|> CString <$ pSymbol "STRING" <* pLParen <*> pExpr<* pRParen
@@ -109,11 +121,15 @@ pAST = CSpace <$ pSymbol "SPACE" <* pLParen <*> pListSep pComma (
(,) <$> identifier
<* pSym '='
(,) <$> pVar
<* lexeme (pSym '=') <*> pExpr ) <* pRParen
<<|> CUnset <$ pSymbol "UNSET"
<* pLParen
<*> pListSep pComma identifier
<* pRParen
pFloatOption :: Parser FloatOption pFloatOption = Scientific <$ pSymbol "SCIENTIFIC"
@@ -121,12 +137,16 @@ pFloatOption = Scientific <$ pSymbol "SCIENTIFIC"
pExpr :: Parser Expr pExpr = foldr pChainl pExprBase (map same_prio operators) where
- same_prio ops = msum [ BinOp op <$ pSym c | (c, op) <- ops]
- same_prio ops = msum [ BinOp op <$ lexeme (pSym c) | (c, op) <- ops] pExprBase :: Parser Expr pExprBase = pParens pExpr
- <<|> Negate <$ pSym '-'
- <<|> Negate <$ lexeme (pSym '-') <*> pExpr
- <<|> EVar <$> identifier
- <<|> StrLen <$ pSymbol "STRLEN"
<* pLParen
<*> pExpr
<* pRParen
- <<|> EVar <$> pVar <<|> ConstS <$> pString <<|> lexeme pNumber
@@ -151,6 +171,7 @@ pNumber = mkNum mkNum i mbF mbE = ConstF $ (fromInteger i + fpart) * epart where fpart = case mbF of Nothing -> 0
Just "" -> 0 Just f -> (read f) % (10 ^ length f) epart = case mbE of Nothing -> 1
@@ -158,16 +179,31 @@ pNumber = mkNum
-- | Parse a literal string pString :: Parser String -pString = lexeme $ pSym '"' *> pList pChar <* pSym '"' where
- pChar :: Parser Char -- todo: [0-7]{1,3} denotes an octal escape for a character
- pChar = '\n' <$ pToken "\n"
<<|> '\t' <$ pToken "\\t"
<<|> '\r' <$ pToken "\\r"
<<|> '\b' <$ pToken "\\b"
<<|> '"' <$ pToken "\\\""
<<|> '\\' <$ pToken "\\\\"
<<|> pToken "\\\n" *> pSatisfy (/='"') (Insertion "x" 'x' 5)
<<|> pSatisfy (/='"') (Insertion "x" 'x' 5)
+pString = lexeme $ pSym '"' *> pList pChar <* pSym '"' where
pChar :: Parser Char
pChar = pSym '\' *> ( pOctal
<<|> '\n' <$ pSym 'n'
<<|> '\t' <$ pSym 't'
<<|> '\r' <$ pSym 'r'
<<|> '\b' <$ pSym 'b'
<<|> '\\' <$ pSym '\\'
<<|> '"' <$ pSym '"'
<<|> pSym '\n' *> pChar
<<|> pure '\\')
<<|> pSatisfy (/='"') (Insertion "x" 'x' 5)
pOctal :: Parser Char
pOctal = toOct <$> octDig
<*> (Just <$> octDig <<|> pure Nothing)
<*> (Just <$> octDig <<|> pure Nothing)
toOct :: Char -> Maybe Char -> Maybe Char -> Char
toOct d1 (Just d2) (Just d3) = chr $ 64 * toNum d1 + 8 * toNum d2 + toNum d3
toOct d1 (Just d2) Nothing = chr $ 8 * toNum d1 + toNum d2
toOct d1 Nothing Nothing = chr $ toNum d1
toOct _ _ _ = error $ "toOct: invariant failed"
toNum :: Char -> Int
toNum c = ord c - ord '0'
octDig :: Parser Char
octDig = pSatisfy (\c -> '0' <= c && c <= '7') (Insertion "0" '0' 5)
-- | Parse boolean expressions pTest :: Parser Test
@@ -175,7 +211,7 @@ pTest = pChainl bOps pTestBase where bOps = And <$ pSymbol "&&" <<|> Or <$ pSymbol "||" pTestBase = pParens pTest
<<|> Not <$ pSym '!'
<<|> Not <$ lexeme (pSym '!') <*> pTest <<|> IsEOF <$ pSymbol "ISEOF" <<|> Match <$ pSymbol "MATCH"
@@ -203,9 +239,14 @@ pTest = pChainl bOps pTestBase where ] ]
+-- | Parse a variable (possibly with array indices) +pVar :: Parser Var +pVar = Var <$> identifier
<*> ( pLBracket *> pListSep pComma pExpr <* pRBracket <<|> pure [])
-- Lexing
identifier :: Parser String
-identifier = lexeme $ (:) <$> pLetter <*> pMunch isAlphaNum +identifier = lexeme $ (:) <$> pLower <*> pMunch (\c -> isLower c || isDigit c)
Summary of changes: haskell_edsl/checktestdata.cabal | 1 + haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Core.hs | 22 ++ haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/AST.hs | 16 +- .../src/Checktestdata/Script/Interpreter.hs | 304 ++++++++++++--------- haskell_edsl/src/Checktestdata/Script/Parser.hs | 101 +++++-- 5 files changed, 272 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)
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