Hello, I am currently trying to create my own run and compare script for the judging system and I got the following message as output.
Non-zero exitcode runtime: s cpu, s wall memory used: bytes ********** runguard stderr follows ********** The exit code is 0
But my both script execute their self correctly and the run script exit with 0 exit code and the compare script exit with the 42 exit code Had I missed something?
Regards Guillaume Milan
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On 13-03-18 16:19, Guillaume MILAN wrote:
Hello, I am currently trying to create my own run and compare script for the judging system and I got the following message as output.
Non-zero exitcode runtime: s cpu, s wall memory used: bytes ********** runguard stderr follows ********** The exit code is 0
That's weird (especially the missing runtime numbers).
Can you try to test the example run and compare script from the boolfind problem in the "demo" contest? If the demo contest is not present, you can install it with 'dj_setup_database install-examples' and then submit some of the files tests/boolfind-test* for that problem. Do the run and compare scripts work fine there?
Can you send us the zip files of your run and compare scripts? (Download them from the web interface as is, and attach the zip files as is.)
But my both script execute their self correctly and the run script exit with 0 exit code and the compare script exit with the 42 exit code Had I missed something?
It seems as if your run script never ran, or didn't execute the submission correctly. See the default and boolfind run scripts for examples and documentation. Note that you *need* to use "$@" in your script to execute the full command with all of its arguments for the team submission, since it will execute runguard with the team program as one of its arguments.
If that doesn't help, then send a zip file of the judging directory of one of the failed attempts. This can be found under <judgehost_installdir>/judgings/$HOSTNAME/endpoint-default/cX-sY-jZ where X,Y,Z are contest, submission and judging IDs.