Hello everyone!
Is it possible to run the live version of DOMjudge with Java 1.8? If so, how? Since we only get Java 1.7 running.
Sincerely yours,
Hi Peter,
On September 21, 2017 10:53:33 AM GMT+02:00, Peter Hat peterhat8@gmail.com wrote:
Hello everyone!
Is it possible to run the live version of DOMjudge with Java 1.8? If so, how? Since we only get Java 1.7 running.
The latest live image is based on Debian Jessie, which includes Java 1.7 by default. In the jessie-backports repository Java 1.8 is also available. To use that, you'd have to enable backports both in the image and the chroot environment within the image, and then install the jdk in the image and the jre in the chroot.
OTOH, I'd like to build a new live image based on the upcoming 5.2 release and Debian Stretch sometime soon. That would have Java 1.8 by default, but I can't make any promises on when it would be ready...