Appendix: Configuration reference

DOMjudge has several configuration settings available. They can be accessed in the admin interface under Configuration settings. This appendix contains a list of all the available options with a description of what they mean.

The system has the following types of configuration options:

  • bool: a boolean, either true or false.

  • int: a numeric value.

  • string: a string value.

  • array_val: an array of values.

  • array_keyval: an array of values with specific keys (also known as a dictionary).

Public means whether the option is exposed in the API to non-jury members.


Options related to how scoring is handled.


Is manual verification of judgings by jury required before publication?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: no

  • Default value: False


Should submissions with compiler-error incur penalty time (and be shown on the scoreboard)?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Penalty time in minutes per wrong submission (if eventually solved).

  • Type: int

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: 20


Priorities of results for determining final result with multiple testcases. Higher priority is used first as final result. With equal priority, the first (ordered by rank) incorrect result determines the final result.

  • Type: array_keyval

  • Public: no

  • Default value:

      "memory-limit": 99,
      "output-limit": 99,
      "run-error": 99,
      "timelimit": 99,
      "wrong-answer": 99,
      "no-output": 99,
      "correct": 1


Remap testcase result, e.g. to disable a specific result type such as no-output.

  • Type: array_keyval

  • Public: no

  • Default value:



Is the scoreboard resolution measured in seconds instead of minutes?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Options related to how judging is performed.


Maximum memory usage (in kB) by submissions. This includes the shell which starts the compiled solution and also any interpreter like the Java VM, which takes away approx. 300MB! Can be overridden per problem.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 2097152


Maximum output (in kB) submissions may generate. Any excessive output is truncated, so this should be greater than the maximum testdata output. Can be overridden per problem.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 8192


Maximum number of processes that the submission is allowed to start (including shell and possibly interpreters).

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 64


Maximum source code size (in kB) of a submission.

  • Type: int

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: 256


Maximum number of source files in one submission. Set to 1 to disable multi-file submissions.

  • Type: int

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: 100


Maximum seconds available for compile/compare scripts. This is a safeguard against malicious code and buggy scripts, so a reasonable but large amount should do.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 30


Maximum memory usage (in kB) by compile/compare scripts. This is a safeguard against malicious code and buggy script, so a reasonable but large amount should do.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 2097152


Maximum filesize (in kB) compile/compare scripts may write. Submission will fail with compiler-error when trying to write more, so this should be greater than any intermediate or final result written by compilers.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 2621440


Time that submissions are kept running beyond timelimit before being killed. Specify as Xs for X seconds, Y% as percentage, or a combination of both separated by one of +|& for the sum, maximum, or minimum of both.

  • Type: string

  • Public: no

  • Default value: '1s|10%'


Maximum size of error/system output stored in the database (in bytes); use -1 to disable any limits. See Display / output_display_limit for how to control the output shown.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 50000


Lazy evaluation of results? If enabled, stops judging as soon as a highest priority result is found, otherwise always all testcases will be judged. On request will not auto-start judging and is typically used when running as analyst system.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 1

  • Possible options:

    • 1: Lazy

    • 2: Full judging

    • 3: Only on request


Time in seconds after a judgehost last checked in before showing its status as warning.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 30


Time in seconds after a judgehost last checked in before showing its status as critical.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 120


Minimum free disk space (in kB) on judgehosts before posting an internal error.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 1048576


The script used to compare outputs if no special compare script specified.

  • Type: string

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 'compare'


The script used to run submissions if no special run script specified.

  • Type: string

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 'run'


The script used to compile a full debug package.

  • Type: string

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 'full_debug'


Are submissions judged by multiple judgehosts in parallel?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: no

  • Default value: True


Activate a judgehost when it registers for the first time.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: no

  • Default value: True


Options related to clarifications.


List of additional clarification categories.

  • Type: array_keyval

  • Public: yes

  • Default value:

      "general": "General issue",
      "tech": "Technical issue"


List of pre-defined clarification answers.

  • Type: array_val

  • Public: no

  • Default value:

      "No comment.",
      "Read the problem statement carefully."


List of clarification queues.

  • Type: array_keyval

  • Public: yes

  • Default value:



Queue to assign to problem clarifications.

  • Type: string

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: ''


Options related to the DOMjudge user interface.


Maximum size of run/diff/error/system output shown in the jury interface (in bytes); use -1 to disable any limits.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 2000


Show pending submissions on the scoreboard?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: True


Show country information in the interfaces?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: True


Show affiliation names in the interfaces?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: True


Show affiliation logos on the scoreboard?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Show problem columns with submission information on the public and team scoreboards?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: True


Show compile output in team webinterface?

  • Type: int

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: 2

  • Possible options:

    • 0: never

    • 1: only on compilation error(s)

    • 2: always


Should teams be able to view a diff of their and the reference output on sample testcases?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Show results of TOO-LATE submissions in team interface?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Give out balloon notifications after the scoreboard has been frozen?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Print times of contest events relative to contest start (instead of absolute).

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


The format used to print times. For formatting options see the [PHP DateTime::format function](

  • Type: string

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 'H:i'


Maximum width/height of a thumbnail for uploaded testcase images.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 200


Show time and memory limit on the team problems page.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: True


Allow teams to download their own submission code. Note that enabling this option means that if someone gets access to the account of a team, they can download the source code of all submissions from that team. When this option is disabled, getting access to the account of a team only allows someone to submit as that team, which can then easily be ignored by the jury later.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Maximum width of team column on scoreboard. Leave 0 for no maximum.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 0


Show submission and problem statistics on the team and public pages.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: True


Show canonical compiler and runner version on the team pages.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: False


Show teams on the scoreboard?

  • Type: int

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: 0

  • Possible options:

    • 0: Always

    • 1: After login

    • 2: After first submission


If disabled, no ranking information is shown to contestants.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: yes

  • Default value: True


Options related to authentication.


List of allowed additional authentication methods. See Authentication and registration for more information.

  • Type: array_val

  • Public: no

  • Default value:

  • Possible options:

    • ipaddress

    • xheaders


Enable to skip the login page when using IP authentication.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: no

  • Default value: False

External systems

Miscellaneous configuration options.


Format of the event feed to use. See [current draft]( and [versions available](

  • Type: enum

  • Public: no

  • Default value:



Is this system running as a shadow system? See the chapter on running DOMjudge as a shadow system for more information.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: no

  • Default value: False


Whether to allow untrusted TLS certificates when reading from external contest sources.

  • Type: bool

  • Public: no

  • Default value: False


List of additional judgement types as reported by the external CCS. All assumed to give a penalty.

  • Type: array_keyval

  • Public: yes

  • Default value:



URL of a submission detail page on the external CCS. Placeholder [id] will be replaced by submission ID and [contest] by the contest ID. Leave empty to not display links to external CCS. See the chapter on running DOMjudge as a shadow system for more information.

  • Type: string

  • Public: no

  • Default value: ''


URL of an ICPC iCAT instance if such is available; will be linked to from the submission verification box. See

  • Type: string

  • Public: no

  • Default value: ''


Time in seconds after an external contest source reader last checked in before showing its status as critical.

  • Type: int

  • Public: no

  • Default value: 120


Is the Adminer Database Editor enabled?

  • Type: bool

  • Public: no

  • Default value: False