Hi Sir Can you tell me how to disable the chroot environment in etc/judgehost-config.php thanks
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 8:24 PM, Huynh Anh Dung dungha@fpt.edu.vn wrote:
Hi all
I have problem about JAVA please help how to fix this problem.
[image: https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t34.0-12/13045500_706785...]
Lec. Huỳnh Anh Dũng
*From:* DOMjudge-devel [mailto:domjudge-devel-bounces@domjudge.org] *On Behalf Of *Jesús Alberto Domínguez Alfonso *Sent:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 7:13 PM *To:* DOMjudge-devel@domjudge.org *Subject:* Re: Questions
Aboute the problem ask the other day, I did it and it is working at this moment, the problem was that the virtual machine was in another segment of network, it is ok now.
readme The web interfaces for jury, team, and public can be found under http:// <hostname>/domjudge/{jury,team,public} respectively. Here <hostname> is
the DNS
name of the DOMjudge-live system. Initially there is the user 'admin'
password 'admin'.
I have another question, if i don´t want use domjude like a contest, can i, i ask this because i want use just for people want improve their knowledge about programming and in admin document said that a contest finish has a 5 hours to finish can i change this.
For example: if i create a contest can i change the maximum time of 5 to for example 6000 hours to end or can i use that
kind regards.
2016-04-17 22:17 GMT+02:00 Tobias Werth Tobias.Werth@fau.de:
please address these messages to domjudge-devel instead of using personal mail addresses.
*Jesús Alberto Domínguez Alfonso jesusalbertodominguez1983@gmail.com [16/04/17]:
i have been installed a domjudge-live in a virtual machine. i choose the domserver and jury at the menu. i have got logged but later i want to see the webinterface but i can´t.
What's the exact error you get?
readme The web interfaces for jury, team, and public can be found under http:// <hostname>/domjudge/{jury,team,public} respectively. Here <hostname> is
the DNS
name of the DOMjudge-live system. Initially there is the user 'admin'
password 'admin'.
i used the dns, i have used the hostname too but i cannot, could you
help me
Does it work if you use in a browser within the virtual machine itself?